After lunch I dropped Logan off at his Mom's house and Tyler and I went home. As I got comfortable and was settling in to take a short nap Logan comes bursting through the door yelling "I have to go to the hospital". He is wearing jeans, no shoes, no shirt and has a towel wrapped around his forearm with what looked like dried up water downed ketchup. I thought he was pulling my chain and I said "Oh get out of here" and was smiling at him. His eyes were so wide and he was really frantic and said "No seriously" and he lifted the towel just a enough for me to see and for blood to come pouring out. I quickly grabbed another towel wrapped it around his arm and told him to squeeze, hard. I had him put Ryan's house shoes on and we were walking out the door. All the while I am trying to make sure Tyler is OK and not freaked out. I get in the car and Logan is trying to put his belt on and as he moves his wounded arm away from his chest/stomach I see blood where he had his arm resting... he has already bled through another towel in less than 2 minutes. I thought through the best route to the hospital. My choices were major construction in one direction and Friday afternoon boating traffic at the marina in the other direction (one lane road each direction). I was not about to try and fight traffic and Logan's breathing is getting faster and more panicked. I decided I am calling for an ambulance. They arrived within a few minutes, it seemed longer but I am sure it wasn't. We arrived at the hospital,didn't have to wait long and they stitched him up, He received 2 or so stitches in the muscle tissue and 6 on top. Logan had mentioned that he had some numbness in his pinky and part of his ring finger. After they wrapped him up they called a hand surgeon who drove from Mentor to evaluate Logan before we left. We figured we were gonna go home and call it a day after the surgeon evaluated him. We were told that he may need surgery down the road but not immediately. Well as we were waiting Logan was told to apply pressure to his wound as he was developing a hematoma. (Blood pooling underneath the skin) About an hour or so goes by and Logan notices that he is now bleeding through the new bandage. Don't forget he has already been stitched up. Now this is where everything happened pretty quickly. The hand surgeon arrived and based on the amount of blood he saw on the bed and bandage, the area he sliced, and the numbness in the fingers he wanted to get in and check things out. We drove Logan over to Lake East hospital as Lake West's OR had a back log. Logan was in surgery for about 2 hours or so. Lost track of time. The Dr. had to repair the ulnar nerve, an artery, tendon, and muscle tissue. Logan is looking at 4-6 weeks minimum recovery. He's in good spirits today and we feel so blessed to have had such a great nurse that noticed that his injury was more severe than just a deep cut. He could have been sent home and just continued to bleed. His artery was 10/12th's severed. Here is a picture of him on the bed just after we arrived at the hospital from the ambulance ride.
Logan was in recovery for about another 2 hours and was discharged shortly after 11:00 PM
As if we didn't have enough excitement our phone rang early this afternoon and it was our neighbor calling. He wanted to know if we knew who owned the little orange and brown cat that comes around our two houses. I didn't know, but Ryan and I were feeding her when she came around. In a previous post you will see that we named her River and kind of adopted her as our outdoor kitty. We hadn't seen River for a few weeks following the fourth of July but when she did return her belly was getting bigger and bigger. The little hussy went out and got knocked up. We wanted to get her fixed but she never showed up on a regular basis for us to get her to a vet. Needless to say River gave birth just recently and picked a nice safe spot right under our neighbors shed that they are in the process of building. We went over and put the kittens in a box, got River some food and they are hanging out in Logan's room until Ryan can build them a shelter for outside. I would like you to meet Oliver, Harlow, Leeluu, and Corbin. We think there are two girls and two boys. It's hard to tell when they are this young. They are so cute!!!
You really should take all of your blogs and make a book. You are truly talented with words and your life is far from average or boring. I'd be first in line for the book!
and you thought you were somehow missing out on the "mom" moments???? from this blog and the last you seem to have encompassed the gist of it--- births, emergencies, heartache, and letting your kid go.
ReplyDeleteby the way I love the kittens names, 5th element -one of my favorite movies ever, and Kenan's middle name is Oliver. aren't baby kittens fun?