Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pancakes, Pizza, and Cake

Logan turned 17 today. We started the day with pancakes, eggs, and clementines. Ryan and I cleaned house while Logan hung out with his friends. We met Casey and company for dinner with Logan's special lady friend. We went to a Pizza buffet, Logan's choice of course. My stomach still isn't right! Then we had cake. ENJOY!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fenced In

Ryan has been hard at work in the yard. From the previous posting you saw pictures of what our backyard looked like before... Well look at it now. We have a nice new fence that my Dad and Brother put up and that amazing flower bed is Ryan's wonderful vision! If you look closely at the picture of the grass/dirt... you will see our rain barrel. Trying to go green, the plan is to hook that up to our drain and collect the rain water to water the yard come spring. Just a few more things to do come spring. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Vote for Caesar and Ruby

So Progressive started a pet of the week contest. I entered Caesar and Ruby. Can you vote for them please. If you type in the web address below you will get to the page of all the pets. You can either look page by page until you find them (they are together in one photo) or you can increase the number of pets per page to 48 and they will be on page one. 
Please vote!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Zombies, Witches, and Boobs

Well I was the witch, Logan was a girl, check out the lipstick and boobs. Tyler was a dead catholic school girl. Ryan was out of town so my sister took the pictures. She isn't very good at letting you know when she is taking the picture. 


We had a spider and a web, your standard jack-o-lantern, a skull, and a dinosaur with a bone.
We had some really good pumpkin seeds :
Salt n Pepper
Season Salt
Garlic Parmesan