Monday, June 29, 2009

One year of marital bliss

Last Tuesday 6/23 Ryan and I celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary. While the year hasn't been complete bliss it was pretty awesome! As cleche as this sounds we really grew a lot as a couple. We had a lot come up that really tested us and our ability to work together but with communication and learning what is worth fighting over we made it through.

I made Ryan the breakfast we had and the lunch he had on our wedding day. I didn't take any pictures of the lunch but I made him Fish Taco's for dinner Monday night. They were dee damn licious!!! Not to brag or anything. Ryan had a little surprise up his sleeve as well. I came home from work that day and found a bowl of cheese snacks and candy with flowers and a bottle of my favorite wine. He then took me to dinner at Five Guys because their burgers remind of the ones we get at the beach. He thinks of everything.

Introducing the newest Cleveland Speed

Nope, no babies but a little critter found us and made us her family. This is River. She came up to Ryan a couple weeks ago as he was firing up the grill. She was so so hungry but we had no food so we gave her some tuna. She is very friendly but still a little skiddish with fast movement and loud noises. She comes by throughout the day but more specifically she comes by in the morning and at dinner time. She will even call out to you if she knows you are in the kitchen. She will remain and outdoor kitty since Logan and I are allergic to cats. Ryan will build her a little house out back to protect her from the elements. So Dad Speed you have to give him some pointers since you made one for Tia.

Let's catch everyone up...

Father's Day has come and gone. I got up early to make Ryan breakfast and Tyler assisted me. This was a combo father's day gift and anniversary gift. Since I had to work on our 1st wedding anniversary, I decided to make him the breakfast we had on the morning of our wedding. We made a big pancake, eggs, and bacon feast! We even had mimosa's. After that we went to a friends wedding and then out to my parents where we had beef stroganoff and played a new lawn game... beersbie. I don't have pics of that but will after this weekend. So here's to all the father's I know and love.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Two Blogs

I know most of you who visit this blog do so to see what's going on with kids, and family life so I created a new blog for all the other stuff. Both will be updated as often as I can. I am hoping to do more 'blogging'.

If you haven't marked my blog to follow please follow this one and the other one... If any one knows how I can link the two please let me know.

Thanks everyone...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What color is your grass... Green????

The saying "The grass isn't always greener" is said time and again but when do you just take the leap to find out for yourself? As you can see the grass in my real backyard is just starting to grow. I owe that to my husband, this is his 1st lawn. Nicely done. The figurative lawn on the other hand is burning up in this drought of stimulation.

Work has been rough. I come home after being beat down most days and wonder why do I put up with it. I am to smart, creative, special, hard working, etc etc to be feeling this way. I have a strong desire to achieve greatness so what is holding me back. Then I look at the kids, the house, the dogs, and husband and I realize I have a lot of people relying on my stable job. At the end of the month I will be celebrating 10 years at my current company. 5 years ago I would have told you that I would be happy and proud of the work I do. Today, going on 10 years, I am struggling to make it in each day. I think it's time for a change, don't you?

A common phrase here in NE OH is "I feel stuck"... When I am at work I want to scream "SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO GET UNSTUCK"? I follow some very smart and influential people on line, at least I think so, and I try to incorporate their teachings into my day at work. It's hard to do because on most days people roll their eyes or snicker as if it's a waste of their time. None the less I push forward instead of pushing back... At home though, I challenge my family, especially the kids, to think about what is it that they want to achieve in life and how will THEY achieve it.

I think it's time I start living up to those words. I am keeping an open mind and open heart and am willing to take what ever the universe brings my way. I will leap, I will stay, I will forge ahead and no longer feel stuck in my own life. So follow me and my family and learn how we UNSTUCK ourselves!