Saturday, May 15, 2010

Change is Good

HI Folks!
It has been a while since I have posted anything. I have been busy with packing up the house, looking for a job in VA, attending year end shows for the kids, and doing research for a new house. It's been busy and not without it's twists and turns. I was offered a job in a Progressive MD claims office a few weeks ago, and Ryan was brought on staff at Crossfit Old Town in Alexandria to start up an endurance team. This was all great news.

We have had the biggest twist this past week... I would like to call it the Universe's way of saying "No, over here. This is what you need."

Due to an unfortunate change in family affairs (everyone is healthy and fine, nothing life threatening) we will no longer be moving to VA. We are headed to TN.

Ryan and I have a saying that the Universe gives you what you need, not what you want. We wanted to move to VA, we fell in love with Alexandria and could see ourselves settling down there. However, the right move for us right now is Nashville.

Life is an adventure for sure and what a story all this will be for the grandkids.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at 1899 on June 12th to see us off. The party is still on and our move date is still on track.  Just a new location.