Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oh one more

Now who doesn't like Root Beer Floats?

Please don't tell my trainer! (man what is up with my nose)

Memorial Day Fun

A cook out and fishing trip to Grandpa Larry's and Grandma Mary's:

Logan wasn't able to go, he had a job interview and a school assignment he had to start and complete to turn in today. Nothin like last minute.

This is Pepe, my parents new puppy, I think he looks like an Ewok:
Tyler fishing, I think she knows she is being photographed.
Ashley, she ain't afraid of no stinkin worms.
Here is Kyle, the biggest little boy I know. Makes my heart melt every time. 
The teenagers, can you sense the seriousness here... 

Our little artist

I stole these photos from Ryan's camera. Not sure how old these are but I thought the Freddy pic was jut creepy and the Star Wars pics are for Rik. Enjoy:

Hard to make out but you have a light saber fight down by the elbow and an in flight battle. 

Luke I am your Father:

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Music Night

Logan's Musical Performance

Any one got a tissue... No? OK I'll just use my hand:
Man, is it my turn yet... when does the Jazz Band come on:
Not sure if you can see me, my hair blends in to the background. I'm playing the bells.