A new job
A new baby in the house
A 100 mile race
Living in a house with 10 other humans, now 11, leaves one with little down time or quiet time. It makes it hard to blog with that much going on.
Ryan and I are still working on getting our CrossFit affiliate up and running. Ryan has done a lot of work on building plyo-boxes, trainer bars, and a trailer to haul it all to the parks. As soon as we have the rest of the funding we will be up and running. Soon, very soon!
My sister-in-law had her 5th baby last week. Ozzie Parker Speed has joined the Speed family and the chaos that comes with it. He's a perfect little baby boy. Having a new born around has made me very excited for mine and Ryan's future. Hopefully in a year from now it will be our turn to bring home a little baby.
100 miles... it's this weekend. The big race! Ryan has been training for this race for as long as I can remember. He may not have known he wanted to run 100 miles when we 1st met but he's been training for this challenge for ever. We have some great friends/family who will be helping us out as pacers and crew for us. We are lucky to have such great people in our lives. Looking forward to this weekend. I know Ryan will do great.
I start my new job at the Opryland Hotel right after we get back from our trip. I am looking forward to starting back to work, making some money, meeting new people, and getting back to what I do best. It's a temp job to start, to help with the holiday season. Hopefully after the holidays there will be a perm job available.
SO.. that's what's been going on in my neck of the woods. Hope all is well with everyone! More to come after we get back. I will provide race updates and work updates.
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