Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Magic and Miracles

It has been a long time since I posted to the blog. Sorry about that.

So lets get some updates out of the way:

- Ryan is still working hard with the crossfit training. He plans to run more races in the new year.
- Logan is still planning to move with us to VA. He is hoping to attend a community college in VA.
- Tyler is still planning on staying in Cleveland when we move. It's hard for her to think of completing her high schooling in a different school/city. This makes us sad to think about the next two years without her but it is ultimately her decision and she has some time to decide still.
- Me, well my busy baking time is done. Everyone got their cookie grams in time for Christmas and I got all the cookies and pie's made in time for Christmas day. I am thinking about our move more and more and trying to figure out what I want to do when we move.

This post is supposed to be about Christmas magic and miracles. My husband and some friends laugh when I tell them that I believe in the magic of this time of year. I believed in it as a young child, it was the idea of Santa and flying reindeer, and the bunch of gifts under the tree when we woke up. As an adult it's in the faces of small children when they talk about what Santa brought them, it's in the hugs and kisses between family, and that warm feeling you get by doing for others.

This year my parents needed our help but they would never admit it. My brothers and sisters all came together to give them a very special gift. That warm feeling of everyone coming together and just celebrating being a family is what Christmas is for me. We may disagree, fight, or bicker throughout the year but for whatever reason this one day in the year helps us all come together like we were kids again.

After the emotional gift opening and announcements a few of us sat around the table and played Apples to Apples. Towards the end of the first game those that weren't playing surrounded the table to see what all the commotion was about. It was rather entertaining and you learn so much about people playing this game!

We ate way to much and drank a bunch too. This Christmas felt like the best ever. There is Christmas magic and miracles, you just have to know where to look.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't get the rest of it. You know where I woke up & crazy
    Probably shouldn't have drank so much, I'm moving slow-mo today.
