Thursday, May 14, 2009

VA and DC

So we traveled to see Rik, Christina, and the kids this past weekend. We had such a GREAT time. Lets see, a quick run down... Talking until 3 am, Marine Corps Silent Drill Team, riding the metro, grape vodka, standing outside the liqoure store with 4 kids, trip to old town, tour of a tall ship, hang overs, the zoo, museums, monuments, mother's day breakfast, feeling like we have hung out every weekend for the past 3 years, sun burn because we forgot the sun screen, and a busted foot (a stress fracture)... this will probably take a few posts because we have pictures all over the place. Here are a few from the Marine Corps Silent Drill Team...


  1. It was nice to see some friendly faces, glad you all had fun. I haven't had time to do anything since I started back to school, ugh.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I gotta say, I love the picture of Tyler, she is so amazing and beautiful.
    But, come on...
    The picture of Spike with his finger up his nose...
