Monday, April 28, 2008

Suessical The Musical

Tyler played a "Who" in her school's musical this past weekend and what a wonderful "Who" she was!!!

Now the photos aren't the best but for some reason they place the shortest people behind the tallest people... I think Tyler really is a "Who"... I could barely see her.... see if you can find her.
Now in this photo, Tyler is the Zoo animal in the middle...
Finally, the "Who's" have a solo... I can get a great photo... ready, set, crap, now they are dancing... quick get the photo... can you spot our little "Who"?
Tyler did a great job, she puts her all into these performances. Truly a star on stage! She's a Speed alright! Poor Dad couldn't make it, he would have never made it the whole time sitting on the school chairs.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations...getting up on stage is a feat in and of itself. I am proud that someone I know is really stepping up to be at her best!

    Keep up the great work!
