Ryan and I came here thinking we would continue with our current career choices, find a place to live, and eventually after a few to 5 years, move on. We have realized that we have a great opportunity to really go for what we have talked about for all these years.
Not live by the traditional clock. The one that has you working 9-5 or longer M-F. The one that requires approval for time off and takes up most of your free life. The one that has you doing work that you are good at but no longer passionate about.
So what are we up too:
1: Applying for our CF affiliation so we can open our own CF box (name ideas are greatly appreciated)
2: Look into building codes and such to build a cottage
3: Purchase land if cottage ideas can be approved (the picture posted would be our view from the future front porch)
4: Run our own business and live life as we want
I have never felt so free in my adult life. Free to make my/our dreams come true. I'm so excited to get started and am lucky to have a great friend/mentor who has done the same thing and is willing to offer advice and suggestions along the way.
I miss my family and friends, this will never change but I know they are happy for Ryan and I and their love and support have made this possible.

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