Sunday, February 15, 2009
He's a Rock Star... well almost
Logan and his band, Black Sun, played at Peabodys last night. I didn't know this band was a screaming/yelling band (not my kind of music) but none the less they still did very well. They played their full set and had great energy. Logan is a really good front man, he has personality and a good stage presence. He's at home on stage. I have a small video of the performance and will post it as soon as I remember how to compress the file. Stay tuned... hopefully, when he makes it big one day he will remember us little people. : )

Thursday, February 12, 2009
pics to go with last post
The smartest dumbest dog I know
As most of you know Caesar has had a rough couple of days. He got into one of our laundry bags and ate a knee high argyle sock. The bag has a draw string and was cinched closed, he figured out how to get into it. Now he's always snacked on socks, mostly Logan's though. He's even snacked on Tyler's bra, though she will deny that it was hers, I know it wasn't mine so either Logan has a secret or.... Anyway, he also eats money, paper, he ate a whole book, pens, mechanical pencils and on and on...
Most times he yack's up the sock in a day or so but this time he pressed his luck with the knee high. Tuesday morning he threw up his breakfast and continued to throw up after that. We took him to the vet and he got a few shots, and some take home meds. One of those shots was a heavy duty anti-vomiting med. Well he threw up twice an hour every hour all night. We took him back to the vet, had 4 x-rays done, he's so big his belly has to be done in two shots. The Dr. thought he saw something in his belly but wasn't sure and didn't want to perform surgery is he didn't have to. So we took him to another vet who performed endoscopic surgery, located the sock, and fought with it for 2 and 1/2 hours until he finally pulled about 3 feet of sock out of his belly.
This new vet sent Caesar home about 4 hours later and he was still so doped up that he had to be carried to the car and into the house. See, taking care of a sick dog isn't a big task but when the dog is 115 pounds it's hard to move him. I laid with him while he tried to shake off the drugs. He shivered so hard he shook me... my poor baby! I was irritated that this vet sent him home in this state. Now I see why our vet doesn't send people to him. I am happy that he was able to get the sock out but his bedside manner and his communication to me was piss poor.
24 hours later he is almost back to normal. He is still very tired and lethargic but he joined me on the couch, and came running when I made him a little bit of food.
So to my point, Caesar is a smart dog, he knows how to get what he wants however, what he wants makes him sick... so why does he do what he does? We love him though, Ryan and I were very worried about our baby. I have pictures to post but I keep getting an error. I will try later....
Most times he yack's up the sock in a day or so but this time he pressed his luck with the knee high. Tuesday morning he threw up his breakfast and continued to throw up after that. We took him to the vet and he got a few shots, and some take home meds. One of those shots was a heavy duty anti-vomiting med. Well he threw up twice an hour every hour all night. We took him back to the vet, had 4 x-rays done, he's so big his belly has to be done in two shots. The Dr. thought he saw something in his belly but wasn't sure and didn't want to perform surgery is he didn't have to. So we took him to another vet who performed endoscopic surgery, located the sock, and fought with it for 2 and 1/2 hours until he finally pulled about 3 feet of sock out of his belly.
This new vet sent Caesar home about 4 hours later and he was still so doped up that he had to be carried to the car and into the house. See, taking care of a sick dog isn't a big task but when the dog is 115 pounds it's hard to move him. I laid with him while he tried to shake off the drugs. He shivered so hard he shook me... my poor baby! I was irritated that this vet sent him home in this state. Now I see why our vet doesn't send people to him. I am happy that he was able to get the sock out but his bedside manner and his communication to me was piss poor.
24 hours later he is almost back to normal. He is still very tired and lethargic but he joined me on the couch, and came running when I made him a little bit of food.
So to my point, Caesar is a smart dog, he knows how to get what he wants however, what he wants makes him sick... so why does he do what he does? We love him though, Ryan and I were very worried about our baby. I have pictures to post but I keep getting an error. I will try later....
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Birthday Celebration
Lordy Lordy, look who's.... oh wait we aren't there yet... Happy 36th!!!
Yesterday was Ryan's birthday. We went to dinner at Lago. Great food and great atmosphere. I wish I would have taken pictures of our food. It was really good and looked beautiful. I made a cake, a version of his favorite cake which is yellow cake with his Mom's chocolate frosting. I also made chocolate covered strawberries. It was a great night to spend as a couple. It's been a long time since we have done that. I think Ryan enjoyed his birthday.

Yesterday was Ryan's birthday. We went to dinner at Lago. Great food and great atmosphere. I wish I would have taken pictures of our food. It was really good and looked beautiful. I made a cake, a version of his favorite cake which is yellow cake with his Mom's chocolate frosting. I also made chocolate covered strawberries. It was a great night to spend as a couple. It's been a long time since we have done that. I think Ryan enjoyed his birthday.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
So, like the VA Speeds I to have been asked why I haven't posted in awhile. Like everyone else daily life got to me. For the last two weeks or so I have been putting in 9 hour days at the office and then another 2-3 once I am home. So my apologies for not posting in a month. Here's the low down:
Tyler: She is working on closing out her Freshman year of high school and seems to be OK. Ryan had a talk with her today about her report card, it wasn't bad but she fell off the honor roll because she hasn't been taking time to study outside of the classroom. Hopefully she will take the lecture seriously and get back on track. She got her braces off Jan 5th and looks so grown up, that very weekend she was asked to the movies by a boy... yes a boy... he later told her they went as friends. : ( She was a trooper and shook it off like no big deal. She is involved in mock trial at the school and they had their competition last Friday, she played the part as the bailiff. . They qualified for the regional competition. She is way more social than than in the years past, always seems to have some sort of plans for the weekend. All in all she is adjusting well to high school life.
Logan: He is working on closing out his Junior year of high school and seems to be OK as well. He remained on the honor roll for the second grading period by it was a close call. He too could do a little more work outside of the class room. Ryan and I have been trying to get him to think about life after high school. Whether that's college or getting a J-O-B. He works one Saturday a month at a party center and he thinks that's having a job. We have really been trying to encourage him to want more out of life and want him to get a job that will teach him what working is about and having to balance what you want to do, and in his case it's "hanging out", with what you need to do, and in his case it's working on his future. It's hard, you can see all of his potential and him choosing not to do anything with it, or care. How do you make someone want more for themselves, how do you help them see that there is more to life than "hanging out", that they are capable of so much more. He is finding that there is a lot of work that has to be done for college prep, testing, applications, scholarships, etc and where there is work to be done that he isn't "required" to do it's more difficult to motivate him to do it... Anyway, his band, Black Sun, has a show at Peabody's next Saturday night. I have not seen this band perform before but they seem to have their stuff together, more so than his band before... I guess Logan's story is a to be continued...
Ryan: Work, Run, Work... Ryan is busy, he is always doing something but seems to always have time for those he loves. He has been stressed more than normal but such is life I guess. The more he runs the better he deals with the stress. Seems like every time we turn around something needs to be fixed, something breaks, and someone needs money. He is doing well at the shop, putting out some amazing art and stays steady during this normal slow time for tattoo artists. He's always thinking of our future and what we will do when we grow up.
Me: Work and work. I've been pretty boring. There isn't much to report. I too have been trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I am thinking of trying to pitch a reality tv show for our two year trip across the US. I am thinking something like "The Traveling Tattooist"... they can follow us for a year around the US and capture life on the road for an artist trying to build his clientele. Seems boring so I need an angle. My sister found out she is pregnant with her second child. I have found that I am a little jealous of her. Even though Ryan and I decided that we aren't going to have kids, there is still this small part of me that wants to have a child with my husband. But the large part that likes to sleep in, have quiet time, and wants to go on the road in 4 years speaks up and reminds me why we aren't having kids. But what about adopting an older child that needs a home? Maybe after our road trip we could look into this .... (honey just thinking out loud here, no need to freak). I guess I am a work in progress as well.... Aren't we all though
The dogs are good... they are both cuddled here at my sides as I type this.
I will try to be better at posting now that we are in the new year.... Excellence practiced daily becomes a habit and not an act right?
Tyler: She is working on closing out her Freshman year of high school and seems to be OK. Ryan had a talk with her today about her report card, it wasn't bad but she fell off the honor roll because she hasn't been taking time to study outside of the classroom. Hopefully she will take the lecture seriously and get back on track. She got her braces off Jan 5th and looks so grown up, that very weekend she was asked to the movies by a boy... yes a boy... he later told her they went as friends. : ( She was a trooper and shook it off like no big deal. She is involved in mock trial at the school and they had their competition last Friday, she played the part as the bailiff. . They qualified for the regional competition. She is way more social than than in the years past, always seems to have some sort of plans for the weekend. All in all she is adjusting well to high school life.
Logan: He is working on closing out his Junior year of high school and seems to be OK as well. He remained on the honor roll for the second grading period by it was a close call. He too could do a little more work outside of the class room. Ryan and I have been trying to get him to think about life after high school. Whether that's college or getting a J-O-B. He works one Saturday a month at a party center and he thinks that's having a job. We have really been trying to encourage him to want more out of life and want him to get a job that will teach him what working is about and having to balance what you want to do, and in his case it's "hanging out", with what you need to do, and in his case it's working on his future. It's hard, you can see all of his potential and him choosing not to do anything with it, or care. How do you make someone want more for themselves, how do you help them see that there is more to life than "hanging out", that they are capable of so much more. He is finding that there is a lot of work that has to be done for college prep, testing, applications, scholarships, etc and where there is work to be done that he isn't "required" to do it's more difficult to motivate him to do it... Anyway, his band, Black Sun, has a show at Peabody's next Saturday night. I have not seen this band perform before but they seem to have their stuff together, more so than his band before... I guess Logan's story is a to be continued...
Ryan: Work, Run, Work... Ryan is busy, he is always doing something but seems to always have time for those he loves. He has been stressed more than normal but such is life I guess. The more he runs the better he deals with the stress. Seems like every time we turn around something needs to be fixed, something breaks, and someone needs money. He is doing well at the shop, putting out some amazing art and stays steady during this normal slow time for tattoo artists. He's always thinking of our future and what we will do when we grow up.
Me: Work and work. I've been pretty boring. There isn't much to report. I too have been trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I am thinking of trying to pitch a reality tv show for our two year trip across the US. I am thinking something like "The Traveling Tattooist"... they can follow us for a year around the US and capture life on the road for an artist trying to build his clientele. Seems boring so I need an angle. My sister found out she is pregnant with her second child. I have found that I am a little jealous of her. Even though Ryan and I decided that we aren't going to have kids, there is still this small part of me that wants to have a child with my husband. But the large part that likes to sleep in, have quiet time, and wants to go on the road in 4 years speaks up and reminds me why we aren't having kids. But what about adopting an older child that needs a home? Maybe after our road trip we could look into this .... (honey just thinking out loud here, no need to freak). I guess I am a work in progress as well.... Aren't we all though
The dogs are good... they are both cuddled here at my sides as I type this.
I will try to be better at posting now that we are in the new year.... Excellence practiced daily becomes a habit and not an act right?
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